Kick-Ass 2 Review (No Spoilers)


Taking place a few years after its predecessor, Kick-Ass 2 follows the stories of Dave Lizewski (Kick-Ass), played by Aaron Johnson, and the formidable Mindy Macready (Hit-Girl), played by Chloe Grace Mortetz, as they embark on a rather cliche journey of self discovery encountering new friends and enemies along the way. And I hate to say it but... it kicks ass.


Once again, Mortetz steals the show with her well portrayed devil may care attitude, and her execution of intense emotion in more than one instance. The acting overall was good, especially good by some, for instance Johnson who has clearly put in a considerable amount of dedication for the role of Kick-Ass by getting really ripped yet still convincing us that he is a scrawny nerd, and by Jim Carrey who I'm glad to see is playing a more serious role despite his eccentricity. Christopher Charles Mintz-Plasse (The Mother****er, Red Mist) does his best as a villain and is quite convincing in parts however he proves that he still belongs in the comedy genre due to his sub par performance.


I find myself being quite sceptical when it comes to sequels of good films, because in the majority of cases they can never match up to the original. However! This film is totally fresh, it's actually what I want to see from one of the Avengers sequels, superheroes vs supervillains, not a army of aliens led by Loki. Nothing was copied and pasted from the first movie (despite nostalgia and emotional moments) and I found myself thoroughly engaged throughout. However there was some dialogue and themes in the film that made me cringe a little, but no way spoilt the film, just don't watch it with your mom, lads. The film is fun and easy to watch, especially if you like a comedy with a big slice of violence. It didn't leave me questioning the meaning of life, instead it left me questioning the direction of mine and others lives.


It is clear that the budget of the film was not as large as the one for the Avengers, however a larger one would not be necessary as the majority of the scenes were humorous talking scenes or well choreographed fighting scenes, with an occasional explosion. The costumes of the heroes and villains were wonderfully quirky and were complimented with an abounding set of weaponry which perfectly suited the comic book style of the film. 

In Conclusion...

The film's great, it's a heap of fun and excitement and is really on par with Kick-Ass 1. A few bits of daftness in the plot and dialogue bring it down a bit in my eyes but in no way spoil the film. Definitely watch it. 8/10

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